Wednesday, 17 June 2015

I'm no longer updating this blog. But please look at these new works by me that deal with Egypt in the time of revolution and counter-revolution:

- Buy and read my new book
Egypt in the Future Tense: Hope, Frustration and Ambivalence before and after 2011
Indiana University Press, 2015. It costs 30$.

- Download and read the revised version of the final blog post:
There will be blood: Expecting violence in Egypt, 2011-2013.

- حمل واقرأ الترجمة العربية للجزء الأول من المدونة، ترجمة عمرو خيري، القاهرة: دار النفيسة، 2011
Download and read the Arabic translation of the first two parts of the blog, from January to March 2011, translated by Amr Khairy and published by Dar El-Nafisa in Cairo in 2011:
هتتأخر على الثورة: دفتر يوميات عالم أنثروبولجيا شهد الثورة (You'll be Late for the Revolution: The Diary of an Anthropologist who Witnessed the Revolution)

- Watch online the documentary film about the village revolutionaries, directed by Mukhtar Shehata and me:

- For more texts and information, see my research homepage